Custom Printed Combo Card and Key Tags with Snap Offs

Combo Cards & Snap Offs

More than one plastic card together, makes things more affordable to you, convenient & easy to use for your customers and members. Some business use combo cards to encourage promotion of their business thru referrals too!

Offering combo cards gives you twice the exposure too, as multiple cards or key tags can be shared between business associates or family members.

Plastic combo cards are useful for fitness centers, health clubs, salons & spas who rely on barcodes to track membership access or activity. But they can also be extremely useful to extend deals or discounts to local community members by businesses like bars & restaurants, universities, churches, sports organizations and schools.

Combo Cards

Multiple cards which attach together. As the leaders in innovative shapes and designs this is just one more customization we can add to your marketing or business promotion efforts.

Example of Combo Cards for Mylio

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Card and Key Tag Combination Cards

A card that attaches to one or more key tags for ease of use with multiple persons within a home or business.

Example of Key Tag Combo Cards by

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Pop-Out Cards

Instead of snapping off of a card or key tag, this option allows for a card or key tag to pop out. Our secret to success is our out-of-box thinking.

Example of Pop Out Cards by

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